Shantana Judkins | Visual Communication & Design

About Me

Who am I?


Hello there, stranger!

Does this jacket distract you from how nervous photos make me? Yes? Good. Now on to the important stuff: a few things about me. I love graphic novels, finding hidden treasures, small figurines, all things Disney, my amazing little family, and sequins (obviously).

From daydreamer to designer

As a child, I spent most of my days with a book. Growing up in rural Wyoming left me with lots of time to let my mind wander and my favorite passtime was reading. For a long time I thought I would be a writer curled up in a chair with my pen and paper. That was the plan until I experienced the power of design for the first time. The combination of words and visual elements to tell a story captured me immediately and I haven’t looked back.

I love taking a concept and bringing it to life in similar ways that a story would come to life for me as a child. Most recently, my designs have transitioned from the page or screen into an interactive experience at events. Designs begin as promotional materials that then transition to an immersive experience for the customer. The initial artwork informs each different decision at the event through decor, signage, digital experiences, and print materials.